Traffic Cones of Japan


Max Cameron has been photographing traffic cones across Japan for over three years, and has compiled them into a bilingual photo book of cones that didn’t just make him stop, but made him feel.

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SKU: CONE-JP Category:


Forget robots, neon lights or sushi, the humble traffic cone outdoes them all in its ubiquity across Japan. No potential mishap is left coneless, with the pointy objects appearing in all kinds of unexpected places, taking on a life of their own. Max Cameron has been photographing traffic cones across Japan for over three years, and has compiled them into a bilingual photo book of cones that didn’t just make him stop, but made him feel.

Published by Max Cameron
Designed by Gareth Rowntree
Photography by

Additional information

Dimensions 18.4 × 14.7 × 0.8 cm


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